"Love what you do" or "Do what you love to do"?

Everyone is good at what they do for a living, but not everyone is aware of this fact. When we are young, we want to be doctors, pilots, actors, engineers, etc. But we don't know what we really like. You may dream of doing something or becoming something out of surprise, and only when you reach it; you will find out that it is not something you like.

Do what you know, or do what you like?

Some would suggest that you observe the current needs of the market, generation and society. Choose the career path that appeals to you the most, which can fit your skills or at least require some potential within your abilities. Or worse, they will advise you to develop your skills according to the needs and requirements of the market and business owners. Some will advise you not to follow your passions because they change over time. You may also find that you are not good at doing what you love. But let me tell you this.

  • Advantages of choosing to do what you love.
  • Passion brings commitment.
  • Passion turns a scary responsibility into a fun challenge.
  • The more time and energy you put into doing what you love, the more your passion will grow slightly and your skills will grow.

Doing what you love to do brings career satisfaction and what better way to achieve it than by doing what you really want to do. Your interest in your job is a direct indication of your commitment and dedication to your work Don't be afraid to do what you love. Be afraid to do something that won't bring meaning to your life.The fear of doing something that frustrates your happy spirit only to have it come to naught.

"Loving what you do" requires sacrificing the things you love. It's better to be a really good artist than a bad programmer. The right one?


If you're good at being a manager, developer, marketer, or whatever you're good at; choosing to focus on how to do what you love, even without a plan, is a losing strategy. In that situation, when you can't answer your dreams, answer your calling. Sit down and evaluate yourself and list your skills and qualities. You'll notice that it all happens because you possess a particularly good quality. Being unhappy with what you do is never a good way to learn what you are good at. So, there is no real right answer to this question. Some people are comfortable doing what they're good at, but don't actually like it; others just can't stand it. Some people are looking for whatever they like to do; others just do it.

Ask yourself the following questions.

  1. 1. if money is not in the equation, will you still do what I am doing?
  2. 2. What are the things I am most passionate about?
  3. What do I not like?

4. What do I want to accomplish in 10 years?

As for the main question in the title, the right answer depends on the scenario, and the scenario depends on your mindset and response to the new opportunity, whether to accept or reject it. Make an informed choice. Remember, if you don't know whether to do what you like or what you are good at. At least figure out what you don't want to do or even want to get close to. Who knows, if you can't do what you love, you might as well love what you are doing in the process of loving what you do.

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