I hate my life, what should I do?

"I hate my life" is a sadly universal inner expression that people of all ages are fighting against. But where do they get these ideas from? These thoughts stem from negative experiences in early life. The way we see and treat us as we grow up confirms how we see ourselves later.

The phrase "you are your worst enemy" often contains a great truth. It is a painful reality that what limits us in our lives are our feelings of worthlessness and self-hatred. But where do they get these feelings from? How do they affect us? What can we do to rid ourselves of the harshness of our inner critic? First, let's summarize what are the most common negative emotions that affect our lives. 

Why do I hate my life?

  • I hate it when my life is sad all day and I have no desire for anything
  • I hate always thinking badly of people and not trusting anyone
  • I hate whenever someone doesn't write to me, tells me they can't stay, or takes longer to respond to a text message or gets back to me soon ...... always assume it's because of a bad feeling about me
  • I hate my life because it is empty
  • I hate life without friends
  • I hate my life because everyone underestimates me
  • I hate it when someone gives me lessons and I tell me what I have to do
  • I hate it when I don't know how to answer people who kill my confidence
  • I hate that I don't have money in my life so I can become independent
  • I hate and don't have the courage to do it (money)
  • When I look in the mirror, I hate my life and don't like what I see
  • I hate my life when I see how others have the life I want
  • I hate my life because I don't know how to organize myself financially or in terms of the things I do

When a man is not happy with it, we can go on forever doing the one thing that a man may hate in his life. But let's try to devise ways to like our lives a little and then, after realizing its value, we can try to enjoy it. You must be wondering why things must happen to you at different stages of your life. Have you done something wrong, or has bad karma from your past lives been passed on to you? Or just maybe you haven't learned how to master life situations, how to become smarter in relationships, business or life. You think that everyone but you is happy and that they all live such peaceful lives that they don't have failures in life as often. This is one of the biggest mistakes.

Don't compare your life to a seemingly perfect example and don't assume everything is as it seems!

After all, if that were the case, your life would be just yours and you would only have to worry about Him. Your soul is unique and will not be compared to any other soul. Life is unique, it is precious, and don't waste your time in despair, self-pity or blaming yourself or others because your life is not what you want it to be. When they find themselves in a stressful life situation, try to do what few people can do - try to do the best you can! This doesn't mean having to surrender, retreat and settle for what you have, reconcile with what is offered and give up. It just means you must learn to enjoy what you have now while fighting for what you want. We often think of this life as harsh, serious and stressful. We allow our worries and problems to completely obscure the sunlight that should shine every day of our lives. This is wrong. This is only important if we know how to have fun in life. Are we able to do that, do we want to learn, to discover, to know, to love ...... people, situations, circumstances, objects, real estate just by living our lives and trying to teach us to know ourselves better. With them, the only path leads to the center of our soul. Because nothing in this world is eternal and we do not have anything forever, we must follow this.

  1. 1. Don't mope about observing life!
  2. 2. Plan your time in the best way possible.
  3. Don't include in your plan only obligations, but also enjoyment!
  4. Spend more time with people who inspire you with positive energy.
  5. 5. Never give up and do whatever it takes to do what you love to do in life.
  6. 6. Don't give up on your dreams!
  7. 7. Know that there is little time for grief, and that grief is nothing but avoidance and fear of a new beginning!
  8. 8. Instead of listening to other people's opinions, listen to your own heart.
  9. The strength lies in your patience and understanding.

10. learn to love the endings, because they are but the beginning of something wonderful.

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